Результаты поиска - 'lat 2 40' Результаты поиска - 'lat 2 40'
№ 20472, Математика, 4 класс
Учебник: Matemātika 4.kl. (Mencis J. (sen.) u.c.)
Номер задания: No 1

Предпринитель одолжил в одном банке 2300 латов,а в другом на 800 латов больше.Сколько денег он одолжил в обоих банках?

1)2300+800=3100(лат)-взял во втором банке
Ответ:5400 лат одолжил предприниматель в обоих банках.


5400 latov


2300+800=3100ls on odolzil vo 2 banke
2300+3100=5400 ls on vsego odolzil

Ja tebe napisu v dejstvijah srazu!
I vsjo nicego sloznogo!
№ 20492, Английский язык, 5 класс
small poem about irish people and irish life????

Part 2
A Hitchhiker for a guide

While traveling through Ireland, I often enough had passengers - local people hitchhiking home, to their jobs or wherever else. Some were silent people, but many of them more than a bit chatty ... must have been my charm =^^=
Among the many I met, I will mention two here ... but I'm grateful for all I met - they showed my sides of Ireland I would have never discovered otherwise, and blessed me with many insights about Ireland, Irish people, life, women, men, love, sheep, whiskey, God, sisters-in-law and so much more... some quite dazzling, others... oh well ^^; ... at least it never got boring.
The first passengers I took with me were actually two young girls on their way to the next village where they wanted to meet some friends. It was on my second day in Ireland - I was still struggling a bit with the English language and especially the Irish accent, but those two young ladies helped me a lot and in a very charming way... not just with my struggles with English. Be it that they told me about how the Irish tend to ignore all speed limits - while in recent years the police started to enforce the same more strictly (this early warning probably saved me from quite a few speeding tickets ^^;), how hitchhiking is normal (at least in rural areas of Ireland), where to look for good and tasty food in the area, or gave me my first insights in Irish social life in the more rural areas of the island... while I told them about Germany and shared my lunch with them, as they shared their drinks with me. I'm still glad that I gave them a lift that hot day on a small road in the middle of nowhere ... for it was the beginning of meeting many interesting people.
The second passenger I will tell about was really 'one in a million' ^^; ... born in Ireland, he lived in England just to come back since 'nothing's like Ireland, you know'. He worked in Galway, but lived in a small village somewhere in Connemara - and his car had been stolen a few days ago. I drove him almost right in front of his doorstep, but first we made a few detours ... since he offered me to show his part of Connemara to me ... explaining the breathtaking sights on the way. I doubt that I would have ever seen half of the beauty of this rugged county without his help, nor ever got to know even a quarter of what he told me ... and not just about the places he showed me. In the hours we drove through Connemara, we chatted about countless things ... about topics like: 'The Irish and The English' ('Of course there are still some English around here - well, they are Irish, but they are still English' ... at least that is the summarization of about half an hour ^^;) ... 'Irish people are not superstitious' (ten minutes later he pointed out a house to me which is haunted ... half an hour later we talked about how different places have different vibes...) ... 'Religion in Ireland' ('I'm catholic - it comes with the passport' ^^;) ... 'Energy in Ireland' (after a short chat about the situation in Ireland I was practically invited with my company - the one which is into alternative energy systems - to re-settle in Ireland ... remember - all Irish people _own_ their entire island!) ... and on and on ... I can't help but smile again while remembering this drive through Connemara.
So if you have a good intuition about people, are not shy to meet new friends ('A stranger is a friend you haven't met yet') ... give some of the hitchhikers on your way a ride, you will be blessed with insights, sights and experiences you will never find otherwise ... and make their day a bit easier =^^=
Food and other stuff
There are things most people will hardly notice or think about - but I tend to enjoy even seemingly small things with all my heart... and there were many seemingly small things that made my journey all the more fun and pleasant.
As I will happily admit, I can't shake off my German roots. One of these roots is that I'm addicted to bread - we shouldn't be called 'krauts', we should be called 'breads' ^^; When traveling through other countries, this is one of the very few things I really tend to miss - good bread, not just standard toast and some white bread you get nearly everywhere in the world. In Germany, we have countless kinds of bread ... if you can bake bread from something or something can be baked into bread - we will try it. During my journey through Ireland, a special kind of Irish brown bread was my constant companion - I had found a bread that was considered worthy of my German tastes! *_* While others went to pubs in villages for lunch, I often enough sat down somewhere in the middle of nowhere, enjoying the sight(s) around me and my lunch - brown bread with butter ^^;
I will be the first one to admit that I love good food ... and in Ireland I got a lot of it ... salmon, prawns, crabs ... fresh lamb ... tasty meals made from potatoes ... Ireland is an experience for the eyes with it's beautiful landscape (and sometimes really pretty girls ^_~), an experience for the nose with it's varied scents, an experience for the ears with the music and sometimes really chatty inhabitants ... and the taste buds have no reason to complain either.
Talking about music ... Ireland is the only land in the world with a musical instrument as it's symbol - the harp - well for a reason. Wherever I went, there was a good chance to be greeted by music ... not just music from a stereo in almost every shop and pub ... but also life music in the pubs, people singing or humming to themselves ... music and poetry run deep in Ireland. I always loved Celtic music ranging from Alan Stivell to The Dubliners ... but my love became even deeper while traveling through Ireland ... where music is still alive.
There were many other little things during my journey that made me smile ever-so-often ... how I was often enough mistaken for a local or at least for an Irish girl (I tend to adapt rather quickly and blend in quite well ^^;) ... the little quirks of Irish people in general and in particular (to give an example - if someone in Ireland greets you with tilting his head to the side and maybe even winking at you - don't think anything wrong, he's just greeting you the Irish way) ... the special style of Irish humor ... sheeps blocking the road for five minutes..ten minutes.. fifteen minutes.. ... the famous Irish rain and fog (I had many warm and sunny days during my stay, but the rainy days - hoooo boy.. I think I grew at least an inch in this rich Irish rain ^^;) ... chatting away for minutes or hours with shopkeepers, local people, guests in a pub, policemen on the street.. ... or enjoying complete silence and no people around me as far as I could see in a wide land for hours.
There are truly many little things that make traveling through Ireland even more worthwhile, if you take the time to enjoy them


Part 2
A Hitchhiker for a guide
While traveling through Ireland, I often enough had passengers - local people hitchhiking home, to their jobs or wherever else. Some were silent people, but many

Irish people like having fun, and have many words to describe this national propensity. Even 'fun' has its own word - the crack2.
Irish people are known to talk. A lot.
''The Irish people like to work hard and they like to play hard

Generally Irish society is very different now. In 1950s Ireland people were leaving to work, nowadays people are coming to Ireland to work. Huge Polish community here now, and many other Eastern European nationalities are here too.
Most Irish are Catholics and have a devotion to the Blessed Mother. Irish are very very smart, especially the ones who do not drink. They work very hard. You will not ever find a harder worker employee than an Irish who does not drink. In Ireland the woman run the household and the money, etc. Irish are prone to arguments and do have quick tempers. They are very funny. They do not seem to be all that materialistic compared to the other ethnicities.
there are a lot of alcoholics, and yelling fish wives and superstitious Irish, but I don't think it's really more so than in any other culture. There were signs here in the US that said things like "No Irish Need Apply" for jobs and housing because of the discrimination against the Irish in the US for so long based on these stereotypes. We're not all bog hoppers, paddys and mics either! My mom's family laugh and say "lace curtain" or "shanty" Irish. We get our houses and cars blest, and do some superstitious stuff. And, of course, we have tons of cops and firemen in our family.... lol I guess we are a little stereotypical in some ways! :)

Look this chat

Te daudz informaaciju par īrijas cilvekiem.

Irish Literature
I. Introduction

Irish Literature, literature written either in Gaelic (see Celtic Languages) or in English by writers of Irish birth who remain identified with Irish life and culture. For discussions of the work of those Irish-born writers in English who are closely identified with English life and literature—such as Jonathan Swift, Oliver Goldsmith, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, George Bernard Shaw, Oscar Wilde, and James Joyce—see Drama and Dramatic Arts: Western Theatre; English Literature; and articles under the names of individual writers. For a discussion of Irish literature in Gaelic, see Gaelic Literature

Turpinājums -> http://au.encarta.msn.com/text_761566508__1/Irish_Literature.html
№ 20541, Математика, 6 класс
kilograms desas maksa 2,35 ls pardeveja nogrieza 458g desas.cik jamaksa pircejam par so gabalu

1) 2,35*0,458=1,0763=1,07 Ls

vipsirms jaauzzina cik maksā 1 grams, 1 kg=1000 gr, tad 2,35:1000=0,00235
ub 0,00235x 458=1,0763 noapaļojam-1,08
Atbilde: 1 lats un 0,8 santīmus

2.35*x=1000 *458
131.13/100= 1.31 LS

1kg - 2,35Ls
0,458kg - xLs

Tad x=2,35*0,458=1,0763Ls. Kases aparats noaplos lidz 1,08Ls

2,35/1000*458=1,0763= 1ls un 8 sant.
№ 20634, Музыка, 6 класс
Учебник: Mūzika 6.kl. (Grauzdiņa I., Vasmanis I.)
Номер задания: 29

ko nozīme apzīmējumi L.K. uz papīrea ruļļa komponista rokā?

L.-labā roka
K.-kreisā roka
domāju ka tā :)

Man liekas Latvijas koncerts -LK
№ 20666, Природоведение, 6 класс
ko veiodo reljefs.

Virsmas reljefs ir veidojies galvenokārt pēdējā leduslaikmetā. Lielāko daļu Latvijas teritorijas virsmas klāj ledāja nogulumi, veidojot virsmas reljefu - gan dažādas makroformas.

eslli odna storona treug -a,vtoraja -b,tretja -c,to 1.a+(a+5)+2a=41,2a+5+2a=41,4a=41-5,4a=36,a=9.2.b=9+5=14,3.c=2*9=18.a=9,b=14,c=18

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1)klimata ietekme
2)atmosferas spiediens

Рельеф - в географии - форма (очертания) внешней поверхности литосферы; совокупность неровностей суши, дна океанов и морей, разнообразных по очертаниям, размерам, происхождению, возрасту и истории раз
№ 20668, Этика, 5 класс
Пожалуйсто,срочно.Дайте ссылку на национальные узоры Латвии.Срочняк.Плиз.


v etom sajte esli pokopatsja...mozno i najti...:)

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№ 20698, Математика, 4 класс
10 мешков. В каждом по 100 монет. Среди этих десяти мешков один — с фальшивыми монетами. Фальшивые весят 2 грамма. Настоящие — один грамм. Есть электронные весы. Как с помощью одного взвешивания определить мешок с фальшивыми монетами??

var latv. val?

Взвесить все мешки , тот мешок который будет весить 200 грам - фальшифка.

за одно взвешивание определить это невозможно, или только по случайности поставить 9 мешков на одну сторону, и 1 на другую- и будет весить 900 грам и 200гр перевешивает на 700!
Как минимум 3 взвешивания надо чтобы определить где фальшивые!
всначале взвешиваем 5 и 5 потом где меньше,,,,

Мысленно нумерушь мешки. Из первого берешь одну монету, из второго — 2, из третьего — 3 и т.д. Кладешь их на весы. По количеству — 55 монет. Если б были все одинаковы, то вес был бы 55. Если вес 56, значит фальшивые в первом мешке, если 60, то в 5-м, и т.д. Насколько больше 55, из такого мешка и взял.

Мысленно нумерушь мешки. Из первого берешь одну монету, из второго — 2, из третьего — 3 и т.д. Кладешь их на весы. По количеству — 55 монет. Если б были все одинаковы, то вес был бы 55. Если вес 56, значит фальшивые в первом мешке, если 60, то в 5-м, и т.д. Насколько больше 55, из такого мешка и взял.
№ 20711, Немецкий язык, 7 класс
Учебник: Deutsch – meine Wahl 1. Lehrbuch (Bogdzeviča L. u.c.)
Номер задания: 5


Das ist Dieter aus Deutshland.-Willkomen in Lettland, Herr Dach!
короче дальше вставки
Schweden, Frau
in Lattland, Frau
aus Finnland
in Russland,Herr Ogorodnik
aus Finnland
in Schweden, Herr Frid
aus Deutschland
in Lattland, Frau Upmale
№ 20807, Латышский язык, 11 класс
Разобрать фильм по этому план. pūt, vējiņi!
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1. Pūt vējiņi, Gunārs Piesis-režisors, scenārijs- Imants Ziedonis, Gunars Piesis.
2. Tās sižetā izmantota folklora – tautas dziesmas par bārenīti un mātes meitām. Kā vadošais motīvs – sena tautas dziesma „Pūt, vējiņi!”. Filmas darbības pamats ir bārenītes Baibas un lepnā, bagātā daugavieša Ulda mīlas drāma. Latvijā 13.gs. Galvenā uzmanība filmā veltīta psiholoģiskām problēmām.

Uz visu at°bildēt nesanāca, bet dazi punkti ir (sk.failaa)
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№ 20997, Латышский язык, 5 класс
anekdote ar sarunam

sikaaaa zubre
sikaaaa zubre
sikaaaa zubre
Kāda ģimene straujā tempā kravā mantas, lai dotos ciemos.
Māte meitai: "Anniņ, fiksi, fiksi lec mašīnā, mēs jau kavējam!"
Meita: "Labi, mammu, es tikai pēc fublas aizskriešu."
te izbrīnījās par dīvaino vārdu, bet steigā laika izprašņāt nebija un
visi sēdās mašīnā, arī meitiņa ar fublu.
Māte prasa meitai: "Anniņ, pēc kā tu tur skrēji?"
Meita: "Pēc fublas."
Māte: "Kas tas tāds?"
Meita: "Mana lelle."
Māte: "A kāpēc tāds vārds jokains?"
Meita: "Nezinu tā visi sauc."
Māte: "Parādi!"
Meita dod mātei lelli.
Māte, tikko ieraudzījusi lelli: "FU, BĻA! Kur tādu ņēmi?!?!?!?!"

Zaķis prasa ezītim "Tu ko puvušus ābolus ēdi?"
"Nē!" atbild ezītis "tikai tos brūnos kuri nelabi ož!"

(eju 6 klasē!)

- Dakter es nevaru elpot caur degunu!
- Elpojiet caur muti!
- Paldies dakter.
- Nevis paldies, bet pieci lati!

Skolas direktors lūdz Jānītim 4. stāvā nokrāsot logus. Pēc pāris stundām Jānīitis ieiet direktora kabinetā un jautā: sakiet vai rāmjus arī vajadzēs krāsot?
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